Our Mission

Energize, Optimize, Individualize Learning in the Workplace.

Overview of Evoke Development

Founded in 2005, Evoke Development designs and delivers high-quality training that energizes, optimizes, and individualizes workplace learning.
Instead of lecture, we believe adults learn best by doing so, our materials are full of practical tips and tools that can be immediately applied on the job (based on the most up-to-date research of course).
Evoke Development strives to provide our clients with measurable results. We help drive excellence in the workplace by providing the skills and tools needed to optimize workflow. We help our clients develop skills they can use every day.

Our Approach

  • Lecture is the exception, not the norm – individuals must be actively involved in the learning process to ensure understanding and retention.
  • Learning occurs when you understand and apply something you already know in a new way.
  • Every individual is unique and can provide valuable insight to a problem or situation based on their experience and perspective.

Our Goals

  • To provide cost-effective, learner-focused training (that sticks) in the shortest amount of time possible.
  • To exceed our client’s expectations by providing outstanding materials, service, and support.

It's time you get your workplace energized, optimized, and individualized.