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November 7, 2008

Clerical Error May Be Behind Dizzying Drop in Penn Traffic Stock

Investigators are researching why the stock of the parent company of P&C Foods went almost to zero. According to a source in the article, the drop could be “a trade report error, which is a fairly common error.” Read more about the issues that developed following this suspected clerical error.
February 10, 2008

Ripple Effect of Property Tax Error

Error on tax bill causes approximately 70,000 property owners to be overcharged. This error involved three different departments and will require numerous pieces of communication with taxpayers to correct the fallout from this error ripple effect according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
November 21, 2007

Dennis Quaid’s Twins Among Three Newborns Given Drug Overdose

Twins given 1,000 times the dosage of blood thinner. Instead of receiving 10 units per milliliter, the victims were given 10,000 units per milliliter. Additional drugs were administered to counteract the overdose of blood thinner. Want to learn more? Top 5 Indian bodybuilders who represented India in international contests side effects of deca steroid bodybuilder max hilton receive stuffed bareback at gay0day
August 1, 2006

Sixteen Personality-Factor Questionnaire (16 P-F)

The 16 P-F is an objective personality test developed by Dr. Raymond Cattell. Using factor analysis, Cattell categorized 170 adjectives that described human behavior into sixteen dimensions or factors. These 16 source traits were then used to form his personality questionnaire. Factor Analysis – Cattell divided his data up into three categories for the factor analysis: L-data (information regarding the individual’s life history according to school and work records) Q-data (responses to questionnaires and individuals given to either the individual […]

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