Workplace Big 5

June 12, 2018

Five Factors of Personality

Development of the five factors of personality began in 1933 when Louis Thurston challenged a group of professionals to create a common language for describing personality. The goal of this challenge was to shrink the more than 18,000 words that described the individual differences in the English Dictionary. Since then, much research has been done on the vocabulary and the relationship between words and individuals to the the major categories used to describe personality. The five-factor model was shared in […]
June 16, 2018

What Is the Five Factor Model of Personality?

The WorkPlace Big Five Suite of Assessments uses a common language to identify and describe the individual traits that determine human behavior. The Five Factor Model is the core of the WorkPlace Big Five Profile and is considered the gold standard of personality measurement by psychologists and researchers. The WorkPlace Big Five is one of the most psychometrically valid and reliable instruments in the industry. There are thousands of scholarly articles on the five-factor model, supporting that this is a […]